Spiritual Formation

By Laura Li

Okay, say what you want, but I love Disney movies. This love stems largely from my 90s childhood, when enchanted castles existed, genies lived in magic lamps, and lions were kings. I fully believe that despite the controversy and criticism, there is a legitimate reason why these animated films are so dearly loved.

By Laura Li

After attending the Asian Pacific Islander Women's Leadership Conference (APIWLC), I've been reflecting on what it means for me to be a leader as an Asian American woman.

By Patrick Langan

Leaders make all the difference. Good leaders can help a ministry accomplish great things. Not so good leaders can take a ministry equally in the opposite direction.

By Abi Christian

InterVarsity is a fellowship made up of humans. Meaning: we don’t get everything right. Meaning: we’re still figuring out how to follow God. Meaning: honest feedback is hard to hear but good to know so we can continue to grow and let God use us—as individuals and as a fellowship—in students’ lives.

By Adam Jeske

Don Miller’s Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality has been made into a film and is opening in select cities this Friday, April 13, and more on Friday, April 20

By Rich Stearns

This Easter, we rejoice in something the world finds ridiculous. We celebrate the resurrection of a human being who spent days dead in a tomb. Of course, everyone knows dead people stay dead, say today’s intelligentsia. Modern science has proved it!

Every year, I have the great pleasure of presenting my favorite books. A highlight was discovering www.audible.com, a reading service that downloads to my I-Phone.

By Jonathan Rice

The morning’s sky was partly cloudy above the mountain trail.  Sunshine slanted between the dark clouds, creating ponds of light among the leafy elms. From the shadows I approached one of those ponds as if about to walk on water, my footsteps expectant but also perhaps a little tentative.  

By Josh Harper

A girl in her mid-teens sprints past me on the sidewalk where I load a bed frame into a truck outside my house in Oakland, California. She isn’t out for a jog; she runs like her life depends on it.

By Lisa Liou

Imagine a kindergartener looking solemnly at a plate of broccoli. Now imagine hearing a father’s instructing voice, “In our family, we do things we don’t like.”


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