By Carrie Carey

Though I was strongly against attending my local community college, I’ve actually ended up being called to that exact campus to plant an InterVarsity chapter. (Jesus can be funny like that.) And while there are definitely challenges, the truth is I love ministering here!

By Nathan Peterson

As we remember our Lord and Savior’s sacrifice this Easter, take some time to reflect on these passages and questions. Pray for fresh eyes and an ability to place yourself within each passage. Read them more than once to fully soak them in. And may the Holy Spirit fill us all with a renewed sense of wonder and delight as we celebrate the empty tomb!

By Chandra Crane

I know we can’t peg Jesus’ personality type (although die-hard Enneagram or Myers-Briggs types might try!), but I do think his example offers comfort and encouragement to us introverted folks.

By Alexis Barnhart

“Who am I to lead?” I’ve asked myself that many times. Maybe you have too, as a new Christian. As if our story is separate from the Church, and we don’t belong.

By Shawn Abraham

Just like the parable, EC “sold” what she had, so she could follow Jesus’s calling. She knew Jesus was the far greater treasure.

By Nathan Peterson

Suffice it to say, it seems like more than a few connections can be made between our situation and Jonah’s in-the-belly waiting.

By Stephan Teng

As campus was closing due to COVID, we felt an invitation to step into the unknown and experiment and learn, to be a community committed to each other even when separated.


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