Following Jesus

“Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?”

Investigative Bible Discussions by Mark Ashton


  • If you asked the average person “Who do you think Jesus is?”, what would they say? A good teacher? A lunatic? A myth? The Son of God
  • Read Luke 9:18-26.

Discussion Questions

  • In comparison to today, who did the crowds of Jesus’ day say that Jesus was?
  • Perhaps the most important question ever asked is in this passage. Let’s find out what each of us would answer to it: Who do you think that Jesus is?
  • What does Jesus say will happen to him in the future? Does he seem to shy away from this destiny?
  • In Jesus’ day, the cross was a symbol of suffering, pain, and even death. Describe in your own words the lifestyle that Jesus is calling his followers to in verse 23.
  • What does Jesus mean by his mysterious statement in verse 24? What kind of life is he talking about?
  • You have probably heard the statement “you can’t take it with you”. How does Jesus’ question in v.25 amplify this idea?
  • According to Jesus can you be a ‘closet Christian’? What happens if you are?
  • Summarize what Jesus asks of his followers in this passage.


  • Following Jesus is certainly a radical pursuit. Jesus asks us to be willing to give up everything to follow him and not to be ashamed about it. Let’s take a look now at how Jesus interacted with a man who wanted eternal life, but loved something else more than Jesus.
  • Read Luke 18:18-30.
  • What did the ruler think was necessary to inherit eternal life?
  • Was the ruler a very moral man? Was good morality enough for eternal life?
  • Was the man willing to give up everything to follow Jesus? Which did he love more – his money or Jesus?
  • Why is it difficult for rich people to get into heaven? Is it impossible?
  • What type of life does Jesus promise for his followers here on earth? How about in heaven?
  • What would be the most difficult thing for you to give up in order to follow Jesus? Note that Jesus does not always ask us to give up our most important things to follow him, but we must be willing to give up these things. Jesus will ask you to give up anything that is sinful, or gets in the way of following him.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.
– Jim Elliot, missionary