August 7 - Pray that the International Student Ministry chapter at the University of Memphis in Tennessee would have an increased campus presence this next year, so that more students will be transformed by God’s truth.
August 8 - Join with the South Carolina region in praying for new chapter planting efforts to begin at campuses like College of Charleston, Lander University, and other schools throughout the region.
August 9 - Pray that the InterVarsity students at Northeastern University in Boston who are reaching out to niche communities on campus in the coming fall semester will have boldness, courage, and steadfastness in their evangelism efforts.
August 10 - Today is Tom Lin’s first official day as president of InterVarsity. Join us in praying for wisdom and strength as he begins to lead our Fellowship.
August 11 - Praise God for the seven new believers who gave their lives to Jesus at summer conferences in the Southern
California region. Pray that God would continue his work in their hearts this coming semester.
August 12 - Ask God to give Tim Lee, campus staff member at California State University–Fullerton, patience and grace as he transitions into a new role as area director in Orange County, as well as deep love for the schools he is overseeing.
August 13 - InterVarsity students at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania are studying abroad during the coming fall semester. Pray that God would use their time outside the U.S. to grow them as disciples who are dependent on God and who have a heart for his world and people.