KY Students Gather at First International Student Conference

“You have no idea how much spiritual strength I received from the retreat,” Dala from Zambia told Ginger Throckmorton, InterVarsity staff at the University of Louisville—KY.

Students active in InterVarsity’s international student chapters at the University of Kentucky—Lexington, University of Louisville, and Berea College—Berea, KY, gathered to learn about the kingdom of God. Dala and the other students discussed how God created people to live in his kingdom, and how they are never satisfied living in this fallen world. Together, the international students read about God restoring his kingdom to earth since the sin of Adam and Eve recorded in Genesis, and talked about how God wants them to do good works and be a part of bringing the kingdom of God to earth.

“May God continue to give you the wisdom and grace to find ways to bring international students together for such a refreshing time in his presence,” Maxwell, a student from Ghana, said of his experience during the weekend.

Back on campus, Dala continues gathering with international students to study the Bible, worship, and pray.