Robert’s knowledge of the Old Testament and challenging questions make for spirited discussion during a Bible study.

InterVarsity students from Carroll College spent a week replacing roofs and installing vinyl siding in Kentucky.

InterVarsity students like Revana find it easy to share the gospel with friends who have seen The Passion of the Christ.

Three weeks. Six-hundred students. One great learning experience.

"No hablo español, but I am here to learn."

What do Moses and a Latino student have in common? Both have experienced living in a bicultural world.

InterVarsity encourages Native Americans to join campus community.

InterVarsity staff at Purdue have named John the ‘Walking Jesus Advertisement.’

During the Europe/Eurasia Evangelism Conference, you could hear 25 different languages as students discussed God’s Word.

Nearly 1000 students at the University of Texas-Austin crammed into a ballroom for a talent show.
