New Student Outreach

By Jimmy Long

Assumption: Both Christian and some non-Christian students are most open to getting involved in a Christian organization during their first weeks on campus. During that time, they establish lifestyle patterns they will most likely keep throughout their entire time on campus.

Goal: Every InterVarsity chapter should have an effective new student outreach that is applicable to their campus.


  1. Impress upon the chapter the need for an effective new student outreach.
  2. Discover what orientation activities the university offers for new students. Plug into those events.
  3. Plan a major event or events (picnic, cookout, square dance, etc.) for new students within five days after they arrive on campus. In the spring, secure facilities, permission, and people to help.
  4. During the summer, encourage IV students to invite incoming students from their hometown to this beginning event.
  5. If the university permits, write to all incoming students. Welcome them and invite them to the IV orientation events.
  6. The day new students arrive, plaster attractive, quality posters announcing your events all over the campus.
  7. Mobilize returning IV students to go to the residence halls to invite the new students. Give them a quality flyer or brochure that explains IV on your campus, gives details of the first few events, and furnishes a telephone number to call for more information.
  8. At a commuter school, set up a table at the end of registration. Serve lemonade and invite students to your events. (Informal surveys at UNC-Chapel Hill over the last 10 years have shown that more than 85 percent of all new students who came to an IV meeting came because of personal invitation.)
  9. At the orientation event, offer a picnic or dessert, allowing new students to informally meet returning IV students.
  10. Organize singing and a clear presentation about IV on your campus and how they can be involved. Involve students, staff, and your faculty advisor in this.
  11. Give students the opportunity at the event to express their interest in IV. At least have a sign-up sheet to get their name, address, and phone number. The most effective means for getting them involved is to have them meet their potential small group leader.
  12. Make an announcement about the next IV event on campus.
  13. Within 48 hours, send small group leaders or other chapter members to personally visit each new student who came to the orientation event. Encourage them to become involved in a small group and bring their friends.