World Assembly 2007 convenes in Canada

Sixty years ago, leaders of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA and Christian student movements from nine other countries gathered in Cambridge, Massachusetts to form the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). IFES is now made up of indigenous student Christian movements in more than 150 countries. The 60th anniversary of IFES will be celebrated next month at the IFES World Assembly, to be held July 11-19, 2007, in Hamilton, Ontario, and hosted by Inter-Varsity Canada.

On the campus of Redeemer University College, delegates from those 150 countries will gather to fellowship, worship, learn about each other’s experiences, and plan for the future of worldwide student witness. “We want to look back at World Assembly 2007 and know that God used it as a vehicle to bless the worldwide student movement, as well as the ministry of Inter-Varsity right here in Canada,” says Geri Rodman, the president of Inter-Varsity Canada.

New Leadership
This year’s World Assembly will also feature the installation of a new General Secretary to lead the movement. Daniel Bourdanné has been the IFES Regional Secretary for Francophone Africa since 1995. He replaces Lindsay Brown, who has been General Secretary since 1991. Almost 60 new student movements have been established during Lindsay’s 16-year tenure as General Secretary.

A number of InterVarsity/USA leaders and staff will be participating in the World Assembly. After the last Assembly in the Netherlands four years ago, InterVarsity president Alec Hill wrote, “During my two weeks in the Netherlands, I caught a glimpse of how powerful a global witness it is for us to bear testimony to Christ together. We are truly blessed to be part of the IFES family.”

Alumni Opportunity
Many InterVarsity staff and student alumni have close ties to IFES through experiences like Global Projects, “twinning” chapters, missionary support, and Link. InterVarsity alumni are invited to attend a specially scheduled day for alumni on July 14th. They also have the opportunity to volunteer at the conference. More details can be found at the InterVarsity Alumni Website.

IFES is asking for prayer for the visa situation, which is complicating this year’s World Assembly. Representatives of student movements in some countries will not be able to attend due to increased visa restrictions hampering international travel.

Around the world, there are few people more interested in bringing about change, and more committed to change, than students. For that reason alone, the IFES World Assembly has a huge potential for world transformation.

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