InterVarsity - Reaching Gen Z

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Meet the post-Christian generation, Gen Z.

For those aged 25 or younger, being born into a post-Christian world—where Christianity is not the majority faith—means that hope is hard to find, according to Barna.

But what, exactly, does this hopelessness look like?

Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation, A Barna Report Produced in Partnership with Impact 360 Institute



Is Gen Z apathetic?


We’ve found that while the culture grows increasingly apathetic toward religion, Gen Z is asking questions. They’re looking for answers!

No. We’ve found that while the culture grows increasingly apathetic toward religion, Gen Z is asking questions. They’re looking for answers!



Is Gen Z lost?


“Lost” implies aimless wandering, and it’s not the right label for this generation. It’s actually their spiritual hunger that defines them. Young people are seeking a faith they can believe in!

No. “Lost” implies aimless wandering, and it’s not the right label for this generation. It’s actually their spiritual hunger that defines them. Young people are seeking a faith they can believe in!



Is Gen Z lonely?


Even with social media, connection with other humans isn’t a given. Instead, this generation is lonelier than ever, looking for true connection and meaningful relationships.

Yes. Even with social media, connection with other humans isn’t a given. Instead, this generation is lonelier than ever, looking for true connection and meaningful relationships.

What will this spiritually seeking generation find to satisfy their hunger?

We believe that God has called us to reach every corner of every campus.

It’s why, for more than 80 years, InterVarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord, seeking his kingdom, and engaging students in discipleship around Scripture. We want to see students transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed!

InterVarsity is creating a movement that calls every corner of every campus to follow Jesus.


Draw students to Jesus as Savior and Lord


Teach students to respond to God’s Word


Engage people of all cultures and ethnicities


Encourage service to God’s purposes in the world

Pray for Gen Z

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“[Through InterVarsity], I enjoy the time to study the Word of God and grow my faith, which has been something I have desired for so long.”

— Mason, Central Connecticut State University

“I didn’t feel like I could trust God, because I had asked for his help and he didn’t respond. At [InterVarsity’s] Fall Conference, Jesus showed me that he cares about what I care about… He graciously welcomed me back into his arms.”

— Bennett, Chapman University

“At UM-Flint, I longed for a community of believers, and InterVarsity was the answer to that prayer.”

— Anthony, UM-Flint