Maryanne J. George: Songwriter, Worship Leader, and InterVarsity Alumna

Through InterVarsity, Maryanne gained beautiful friendships, leadership experiences, and she learned to love her campus well. This, combined with her passion for mental health, inspired her to pursue a master's in clinical mental health counseling. Later, she joined Maverick City Music, a Christian worship music collective, as a vocalist. 

The Kingdom of God: Beautiful on Purpose

At the climax of God’s creative endeavors is the declaration that creation is good, and this creation is beautiful. Therefore, we must consider the idea that in God’s eyes, beauty is good.

To Know Our Maker

When our faith is reduced to religious acts alone, it falls short of God’s design. 

Proxes, Prayer, and Full Circle Moments at UW-Eau Clare

Beatrice’s faith continued to grow and so did her heart for others. She walked around campus praying and being aware of the people she passed. Particularly, she noticed this one student.

A Better Foundation: Bella’s Story

When Bella Coulter started her freshman year at the University of Virginia (UVA), her faith was shaky. 

Is This Revival? Tuskegee University

Even with all its historical significance, what Tuskegee University might not be known for — at least not yet — is revival. 

InterVarsity Volunteer Partners With Student to Re-Build LaFe at UC Santa Barbara

“I used to do Latino ministry at my college campus, and I want to support any way that I can,” Alison, an InterVarsity volunteer, said.

One-Year Risks and a Lifetime of Change: Elissa’s Story

The least I can do is try leading for one year and pour back into the students.

What Do We Do When We Don’t Belong?

It’s a strange thing. I’m sitting here with all these people. Some I’ve known for quite a while. It’s a beautiful day.

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