To Play or Not to Play – Hard Decisions After Sports Injuries
It was pitch-black outside as I limped into the ER. You're fine, you're fine, I kept telling myself.
From Closet Atheist to Corporate Evangelist – Kyle’s Story
Kyle realized that God used InterVarsity to shape him into someone uniquely able to witness in a difficult workplace.
Does God Condone Killing the Innocent?
In InterVarsity, we believe that the best way to understand difficult texts in Scripture is by digging in, asking honest questions, and contextualizing. Of all the difficult texts in the Old Testament, the Conquest narratives in Joshua may be the most challenging.
Why Every US Region Needs Campus Ministry
After speaking with eight InterVarsity campus ministers representing seven states, I found that no region in the U.S. has a "greater" or "lesser" need for witnessing communities.
"Five Loaves and Two Fish" — Growing a BCM Chapter at Indiana State
Before the fun and powerful Friday afternoons my chapter experiences now at Indiana State University (ISU), God had to move in some unexpected ways.
Bringing Ministry into the Workplace –– Brett's Story
“I was an engineer at work and a Christian at home,” Brett, an InterVarsity alumnus, said.
The Gift of an Honest, Two-Way Conversation With God
For many years, I thought prayer was just a one-way conversation. I asked God for what I or others around me needed but never stopped to listen. I didn’t expect God to talk back to me.
To Do Good and To Be Good
Jesus modeled for us how to be connected to the needs of a broken world while remaining without sin.
Getting Away with God — Sean's Story
For college students across the country, the rigors of academia and social pressures on campus can leave them feeling overwhelmed.
Maryanne J. George: Songwriter, Worship Leader, and InterVarsity Alumna
Through InterVarsity, Maryanne gained beautiful friendships, leadership experiences, and she learned to love her campus well. This, combined with her passion for mental health, inspired her to pursue a master's in clinical mental health counseling. Later, she joined Maverick City Music, a Christian worship music collective, as a vocalist.