Hearts for Service

Last October, a group of twelve students, six actively involved in InterVarsity’s campus ministry at Depauw University in Greencastle, IN, had many opportunities to share God’s love with residents as they helped the community of Pass Christian, MS rebuild after hurricane Katrina. “We met a man from Canada who was running away from problems at home and just took off,” said Annie Morgan, a student volunteer. The students had many spiritual conversations with him.

In January, the group of twelve students returned to Mississippi, again to help with hurricane relief, and found that the Canadian man had become a Christian. Currently, he is in charge at a distribution center where people can receive clothes and food. A lot has happened in the distribution center over the past few months. Over 100 people have accepted Christ. The first town meeting and worship gatherings were also held.

InterVarsity students once again went to work helping serve residents in Pass Christian, MS. “Serving others broadened students’ vision and expectancy of God to work and move on campus as they see what God is doing in their world,” said Michelle Robinson, InterVarsity staff at Depauw University.

One of the students, Jeff, went on both trips. Jeff accepted Christ as Lord of his life a few years ago, but was uncomfortable praying with other people. As groups of students prayed for and with those who suffered losses due to hurricane Katrina, two men asked Jeff to pray with and for them. Although Jeff was uncomfortable, he talked with and prayed for these two men as they accepted Christ.

Jessica, one of the participants, was struggling in her faith. After serving in Mississippi, she returned to campus excited to attend InterVarsity Bible studies and weekly large group meetings. She continues to grow in love for God and his people.

“A project like this opens doors to inviting people to plug into the fellowship on campus. Students are being changed by what they see and growing in their concern for what’s happening in the world around them,” said Michelle. Groups of students from across the country continue to volunteer cooking and serving meals, as well as helping clear debris so families can rebuild their homes.

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