Want to connect with other Christian faculty on campus? See what God is doing among faculty where you serve.

Real Community

In small groups you’ll find a safe space to express both your Christian commitments and your professional convictions.

Real Investigation

You’ll ask tough, even skeptical questions of the Bible and query other group members to find real answers.

Real Hope

You’ll find in Jesus a source of guidance and empowerment to be a light for Him in your sphere of influence.


Join a Faculty Community on your campus

InterVarsity’s Faculty Ministry desires to see Faculty following Jesus together. You’ll receive faculty-specific resources for spiritual flourishing and find out about faculty events.

Get connected to InterVarsity’s Faculty Ministry by letting us know a little about yourself!

What you'll find

Praying Together

"Let us know who you are as we work together as ambassadors for Christ on the UIC campus. Join us for prayer once a month." - Dale Reed, UIC Faculty. We currently have two groups of faculty who meet monthly to pray together. One group is on the east side and the other is on the west side of campus. We would love to welcome new faculty to join us this year!