Do you love Jesus, InterVarsity, and the campus?

InterVarsity has been empowered by volunteers since in its inception. Faculty, administrators, former students, healthcare professionals, and thousands of other partners have volunteered to disciple students, lead small group Bible studies, help with events and offer hospitality to InterVarsity chapters.

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Invitation to Serve
Volunteers Are the
 Heartbeat of Our Mission

Volunteers shape Christ-centered campus communities by mentoring students, sharing their wisdom, and fostering growth in faith and leadership. From alumni to faculty advisors, their dedication extends InterVarsity’s impact far beyond the campus, building a legacy for God’s Kingdom.

Volunteer video

Get Involved

There are many different ways to get involved as a volunteer

From hosting a fundraiser for an InterVarsity chapter near you to serving as a Volunteer Campus Minister yourself, there is a place for you to use your gifts to serve.  

Tell us more about your interest
in volunteering.

Get in contact

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