Drew Larson
Drew Larson works as a writer on InterVarsity’s Communications Team in Madison, Wisconsin. You can buy his book here. You can support his ministry with InterVarsity here.
Content created by this author:
Nazareth U. and Central Indiana: The Spiritual Discipline of Uncool Places
Without central Indiana, I wouldn’t understand Nazareth. Or the spiritual discipline of uncool places.
Jesus Sees You: The ‘Good’ In Jesus, the Good Shepherd
To Jesus the shepherd, we have names. When he calls to us, he calls with a voice whose clearest frequencies are friendship and intimacy, and whose resonance is so full of goodness that when we hear it, we want to follow.
“This is What It Means to Be Greek and Christian!” – Abby’s Story
When Abby enrolled at Hope College, the idea of planting a Greek ministry on campus was the furthest thing from her mind. But because of one conversation, God used Abby to do something extraordinary and start a new Greek chapter at her school.
“More and More Healed” By Jesus—Antonio’s Story
Antonio was a nominal Chrisitan going through a particularly tough time during the spring of 2020. His therapist, seeing the need for Antionio to have community, recommended he connect with InterVarsity.
Why You Should Join InterVarsity
We believe everyone should join InterVarsity! Here are five reasons.
How to Have a Stale Relationship with Jesus (And How to Actually Grow in Your Faith in College)
Want to know how to grow your faith in college? Let us tell you how.
The Boredom of Good Friday
Behind Good Friday’s violence lies something more startling and, in some ways, even closer to our daily experience: Good Friday’s boredom.
What Community Can — and Can’t — Do for Loneliness
Loneliness is a remarkably durable, stubbornly persistent feature of life, no matter what kind of community we do or don’t have. In this isolated and anxious age, we need to have properly calibrated expectations for what community can — and can’t — do for loneliness.
“What Does God Want Me to Do?”: Urbana 22 and the Heart of God
In a way that is so holy and sacred and perfect that it’s almost incomprehensible, God wants.
Highway Hypnosis & Self-Reflection as a Spiritual Practice
But the phenomenon of highway hypnosis reveals that there are many, many ways in which you are not the boss. You are so not the boss of you, in fact, that your conscious mind can take a full daydream holiday while you’re driving and some other part of you will manage that unbelievably complex task quite well.