Steve Tamayo
Steve Tamayo is a strategist serving with InterVarsity’s Latino Fellowship (LaFe), Creative Labs, Graduate and Faculty Ministries, and Multiethnic Initiatives. He recently published the Ethnic Identity LifeGuide Bible Study with InterVarsity Press and hosts the Con Confianza podcast. He’s married to Amy, and together they have four children and lots of adventures. You can connect with him on Twitter at @yostevetamayo, and you can support his ministry using this link: donate.intervarsity.org/donate#9101.
Content created by this author:
Reading the Bible with a Diverse Community
Each of us wears cultural lenses. Our culture lenses shape our worldview, our relationships, our behavior … even the way we read the Bible.
How Accountability Friendships Work
Healthy accountability friendships give us space for self-discovery and for deep and genuine friendships. This leads to less anxiety, higher performance at work and school, and spiritual transformation.
3 Latino Lessons on Racial Reconciliation
My first encounter with racial reconciliation occurred at Duke University. Black students coordinated a sit-in at the administrative building to encourage dialogue around racial issues on campus.
5 Small Steps to Make Friends on Campus
I’ve pulled together five small steps you can take today to help open doors of friendship on campus — lessons drawn from my decades of awkwardness and awesomeness.
Diving into Jonah—Overcoming Reluctant Ears, Hearts & Eyes
Reluctant. That’s how I see the prophet Jonah in his eponymous book. I get that reluctance. I wonder if that’s why I resonate with Jonah.
Understanding & Growing in Wisdom
Wisdom invites us into a way of life. Wisdom links us together with the community of the formerly-and-sometimes-still-a-little foolish, who are on their way to becoming wise. Wisdom sends us together into the world with a message of hope, life, and justice that shines like the sun.
Finding Small Groups Post-College
Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet a Non-Denominationalist
Although non-denom churches can be difficult to explain and define, I find them easy to justify. Non-denominational churches exist because God’s people are diverse and his passions include the entire earth. Some of us just don’t fit into a denominational box.
Disappointment with Jesus
Lately, I’ve been struggling a great deal with feelings of disappointment with Jesus. I’m not entirely sure when they started, but I can see the impact they’ve had: I start to distance myself from Jesus. I shy away from taking risks for the sake of God’s kingdom. I sink into my couch.
Jesus Is Not Your Superstar
Let me be blunt: Jesus is not your superstar. He’s not going to bring glitter or glamor or bedazzle your life. He’s not here to entertain you. He’s not here to make your life more convenient or more comfortable.