Large Group Meetings Handbook


We rejoice that, as Christians, we serve a God in whom we can have hope and faith. As we begin to grasp God's vision for our campus, we must not look at all the possible obstacles and so limit God. Instead of being a people of "problems" and becoming discouraged, we need to be a people of "possibility" and be encouraged.

In the rest of this handbook, we hope to enlarge your understanding of God's vision for your campus. In Chapter 2, you'll learn about the characteristics of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as a movement. Next, in Chapters 3 and 4, we will look at the role and the growth of the student leader. Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 will help you in building campus fellowships, developing disciples of Jesus Christ, and engaging the campus with the Gospel. Chapter 9 will help you plan and implement plans in your chapter. In the last chapter, you'll learn about resources that your chapter can utilize.

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