APRIL 14-20


  • 14 - Pray for staff nationwide as they develop missional leaders with a desire to reach their campuses with the Gospel of Christ.
  • 15 - International and U.S. students from California State University in Sacramento are hosting an International Café to share Christ. Pray for participants to be hospitable and sensitive as they develop cross-cultural friendships.
  • 16 - Pray for InterVarsity students and staff at Iowa State University in Ames as they share Christ’s love with fraternity and sorority members and establish a Bible study for non-Greek students on campus.
  • 17 - Pray for graduate students on campuses throughout New York to invest in community in spite of their research and study schedules. Ask God to replace their fear of losing momentum in their academics with faith and courage.
  • 18 - InterVarsity's Red River region is partnering with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in a summer Global Project in the Caribbean. Pray for students and staff as they plan and prepare. Also pray that they are ready to serve the Caribbean people.
  • 19 - Thomas Corey and Jasmine Fernando are establishing Graduate Christian Fellowship, an InterVarsity chapter plant at the University at Albany in New York. Pray for them to connect with students who are passionate about inviting others into Christian community.
  • 20 - Pray for students at the University of Wisconsin in Eau Claire to seek God’s vision for their campus and reach out with Christ's love to their peers.
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