• 4 - Thank God for approximately 100,000 international students as they arrive on campuses throughout the U.S. and adjust to a new culture. Pray for InterVarsity staff and students as they share the Gospel and welcome them into witnessing communities.
  • 5 - Pray for InterVarsity campus interns in Reno, NV, Ken Bridwell and Liz Howald, and Sarah Olson interning at California State University—Chico, as they seek prayer and financial partnership, build their ministry teams, and prepare to serve students on campuses this fall.
  • 6 - Please pray for students as they prepare to welcome the incoming freshman class into their InterVarsity communities and into relationships with Jesus Christ.
  • 7 - Pray for Christians to reach out to the women in Delta Zeta sorority, the only sorority house without a Bible study at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant.
  • 8 - Fifteen men gather together weekly at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, to engage in spiritual discussions. Pray for this group as they plan outreach events and invite more men to participate in InterVarsity campus ministry.
  • 9 - Pray for New Student Outreach events at California Maritime Academy in Vallejo as they help freshmen move into their dorms, host a welcome barbecue, and invite students to join one of their four small group Bible studies.
  • 10 - Andrea Thomas serves the Red River region in the role of interim planting area director. Pray as she works to expand InterVarsity’s ministry to new campuses in Oklahoma and Arkansas.