JUNE 2-8

  • 2 - Rhode Island InterVarsity staff need new ministry partnerships so that they can continue to disciple students on their campuses. Pray for boldness and discernment as they ask friends and family to join their support teams.
  • 3 - Students and staff from InterVarsity’s Rocky Mountain region are sharing the Gospel in East Asia this month. Pray for safe travel for participants and open hearts as East Asian men and women hear the good news of Jesus.
  • 4 - Praise God for a successful partnership between InterVarsity’s New England region and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Students and staff are traveling this month to the Dominican Republic to share the Gospel.
  • 5 - Pray for graduating students from campuses in Hawai’i as they continue to seek Jesus, pursue Christian community, and partner with InterVarsity at their alma maters through praying, volunteering, and giving.
  • 6 - Native and indigenous staff from the Rocky Mountain region are attending the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies conference today through June 8 in Toronto, Canada. Pray for deeper connections with God and one another as they learn together.
  • 7 - Students are spending six weeks in downtown Fresno, CA, serving with InterVarsity’s Fresno Institute for Urban Leadership. Pray that they display the love of Christ as they learn about community and justice.
  • 8 - Nurses Christian Fellowship students are preparing for national licensure exams and seeking employment. Ask God to replace anxiety with confidence and pride with humility as they seek to be salt and light for Jesus in the healthcare world.
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