JUNE 21-27

June 21 - Pray for the 670 Black students who earlier in the year attended InterVarsity’s national Black Campus Ministries Conference 15 as they continue to embrace the lessons and guidance they received from God.

June 22 - Praise God for InterVarsity staff member Rebacca Chia as she leads the Red River region’s East Asia Global Program. Pray that InterVarsity students participating in this cultural-lingual exchange program will trust God as they share the Gospel relationally.

June 23 - Ask God to encourage student participants with InterVarsity’s summer Chicago Urban Program. Pray that students’ hearts would be receptive to God’s transformation as they learn about multiethnicity, compassion, and justice.

June 24 - Thank God for the newly-appointed InterVarsity staff attending Orientation for New Staff in Madison, WI. As they begin their ministries, pray that family, churches, and friends would wholeheartedly partner with them.

June 25 - Pray for the InterVarsity students at Davenport University in Grand Rapids, MI, to share with their friends over the summer how Jesus has transformed their lives.

June 26 - Kat Walker, a student at Rider University in Lawrence Township, NJ, is launching a small group Bible study serving students with disabilities. Pray that God would bring missional students to participate in the study.

June 27 - Pray for boldness and persistence for Taylor Ross, a student at Brown University in Providence, RI, as he actively engages a community of social activists with the Gospel.

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