October 9-15

Thank God for:

  • Information Technology Services staff in Madison, WI, and computer systems which serve our staff and supporters well by providing efficient and useful help.
  • Members of the Great Lakes West regional team who have developed a long-range plan addressing staff development, recruitment, and student leadership for Asian American Ministries.
  • Nine students who gave their lives to Jesus through contact evangelism.

Please pray for:

  • Students from campuses in the Chicago West area as they receive evangelism training during Fuel, a one-day conference October 15. Pray that they will gain vision for evangelism within their campus communities and lead other students to faith in Christ.
  • Staff in New York City to experience God’s provision and grace as they begin the process of leadership transition.
  • Michelle Verrill, assistant area director, as she directs the Red River region’s first Black Campus Ministry conference later this month. Pray for 75-100 students to attend and receive training in campus leadership and ethnic identity formation.
  • Hallie Cowan, spiritual formation and prayer leader for the New England region, to experience God’s grace, direction, and provision of strength and courage as she seeks healing from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity—unusually severe allergies to certain foods or common household and industrial chemicals. Pray for energy and wisdom for Hallie who has an intense travel schedule this fall.