September 20 - Ask God to give student leaders at Chapman University in Orange, CA, a deeper boldness and passion for sharing the Gospel with their friends and for expanding their ministry to students in fraternities and sororities.

September 21 - Pray for wisdom and courage for student leaders at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City as they seek to start six new witnessing communities among arts students, ethnic minority students, and students with no faith background.

September 22 - Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) chapters minister to both nursing students and nurses. Pray that God would strengthen and encourage the South Florida NCF chapter —made up of nurses who work at a Miami hospital—as they meet weekly for prayer and Bible study.

September 23 - This year, staff member Emily Palcsak will continue replanting an InterVarsity chapter at Salem College in Winston-Salem, NC. Ask God to give Emily and her students endurance and energy as they welcome new students this fall.

September 24 - Thank God for InterVarsity student leaders at Oregon State University in Corvallis as they prepare to reach out to new students. Pray that God would make this a transforming year for these leaders.

September 25 - Pray for InterVarsity staff and students at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, as they welcome new students to their chapter. Also pray for spiritual growth for students who today and tomorrow attend Catalyst, a retreat for new students.

September 26 - Thank God for the 23 InterVarsity ministry interns in the Pacific region, who are beginning their ministry year. Pray that the Lord will provide prayer and financial partners to sustain them as they minister throughout Northern California, northern Nevada, and Hawai‘i.

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