September 25-October 1

Thank God for:

  • New staff joining InterVarsity in the New York City area, along with the increase in evangelism and chapter growth on campuses.
  • Three international students who accepted Christ in the Blue Ridge region and also pray for international students who have recently returned to their home countries.

Please pray for:

  • Freshmen at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA, as they engage in the questions brought up by reading a collection of essays. Also pray that current InterVarsity students will use this opportunity to have spiritual conversations with their peers which lead to conversion.
  • Members of the International Student Ministry Northwest regional team as they share the Good News of Christ with internationals on seven campuses. Ask God to lead them to students who are spiritually open and ready to accept the truth of the Gospel.
  • InterVarsity staff as they seek God’s provision and invite potential financial partners to give so they can minister to students full-time on campuses in the Deep South area.
  • Laurel Thiel, campus intern at University of California, Merced, as she shares Christ’s love, hope, and truth with students and seeks to raise a full-time budget.
  • Staff planting InterVarsity chapters at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge; Kennesaw State University in Georgia; Sullivan University in Louisville, KY; Jackson State University in Mississippi; and Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, as they meet students, share the Gospel, and develop witnessing communities on campus.