September 28 - October 4

September 28 - Thank God that Nicole, a student from Chile, has found a church and a women’s small group during her first week in Durham, NC, through the outreach of InterVarsity at Duke University.

September 29 - InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministries is planting an ethnic-specific chapter at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Pray for students to step up as leaders and reach out to their friends on campus with the hope of the Gospel.
September 30 - Join chapter leaders throughout the New York/New Jersey region as they pray for over 800 students to attend InterVarsity’s upcoming fall conferences Big Event and Expedition. Pray for non-Christians to discover the truth and character of Jesus Christ.

October 1 - Sherami Hinders is transitioning from her role as area director in the Central region to serving staff and students in the New England region. Pray for God’s guidance and grace as she develops relationships and works with a different team.

October 2 - InterVarsity students at the University of West Florida in Pensacola continue to reach out to newcomers on campus. Pray for freshmen to develop strong relationships with chapter members and make commitments to Christ as they engage in community.

October 3 - Pray for non-Christian students to participate in StockDip, a justice missions project held today through Sunday in Stockton, CA. Ask God to give all the participants His peace and pray that they would continue engaging in Christian community on campus.

October 4 - Thank God for the alumni, volunteers, university staff, and student advocates of InterVarsity’s Graduate Christian Fellowship who are building more witnessing communities within other academic disciplines at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities campus in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

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