Week of January 20

This week begins by remembering the life and legacy of the late Martin Luther King Jr. Thank God for Dr. King’s influence as an American Christian minister and his vision that someday we “will one day live in a nation where [none will] be judged by the color of their skin, but [solely] by the content of their character." Pray that InterVarsity staff and students will live lives of godly character and continue to be witnesses to Jesus amid racial tensions that persist on campus.

Looking toward the future need for experienced and faithful church leaders, pray for InterVarsity as we identify and train new leaders in their formative years as students on campus.

The Athletes InterVarsity East Coast Conference is being held this week in Pennsylvania. Join us in praying that the Lord of the harvest (Matthew 9:38) would bring students who are not-yet Christians. Also pray that God would bring Christian student athletes who desire to influence for Jesus the culture on their team and campus. Pray also for InterVarsity staff who are facilitating the small groups that they would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s work during the weekend.   

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