The Ninefold Path of Jesus
What if we lived in a world of abundance?
In the Beatitudes, Jesus offers nine sayings that move us beyond our first instincts and instead embrace the deeper reality of the kingdom of God. They name the illusions and false beliefs that have kept us chained and imprisoned. We've learned to live from a mentality of anxiety and greed, but what if a world of abundance with solace and comfort are actually near? We've learned to live by striving, competition, and comparison, but what if we all have equal dignity and worth?
Mark Scandrette shows how the Beatitudes invite us into nine new postures for life. Instead of living in fear, we can choose radical love. It's often assumed that the good life is only for the most wealthy, attractive, and powerful. Poor, sad, and suffering people are left out. But the ninefold path of the Beatitudes is for everyone. Whatever your story, whatever your struggle, wherever you find yourself, this way is available to you.
"As we begin to slowly transition into a new normal, some of us are recovering from illness or loss, and many of us are struggling with a loss of focus in our lives. If you are one of those who are not only looking forward to a new normal but also a new reason for being, I want to introduce you to Mark Scandrette and his new book The Ninefold Path of Jesus. If you're looking for a follower of Jesus who can offer you a pathway to a more compelling whole-life faith for times like these, check out this book. Mark will show you creative new ways to both be a difference and make a difference that reflect the ways of Jesus."