Halfway to Urbana

Urbana 06, to be held December 27-31, 2006, in St. Louis, is going to be different. The new location for InterVarsity’s triennial student mission convention is the most obvious difference. But the fact that the new venue opens up new programming possibilities is just one of the opportunities Urbana planners are working on.

“There’s a growing sense of urgency about HIV/AIDS around the world,” says Urbana Communications Director Christy Chappell. “The American church response is growing and the momentum will be huge by the time Urbana arrives. It’s not that all missionaries have to be involved in the same way with it, but all missionaries are going to have to address it in some way or another.”

While the issue of HIV/AIDS in the world will be very visible at Urbana 06, Christy says there will be a lot more going on besides that. The convention will show how traditional missions are changing and showcase non-traditional missions alternatives. College students and others who attend Urbana will be presented with a vision of what God is doing on a global scale and challenged to find out where God is calling them to get involved.

The compelling demographics of the post-World War II baby boom will also be acknowledged at Urbana. Each day thousands of baby boomers reach retirement age and some begin a new career as missionaries. Boomers who are considering that opportunity will find that Urbana is not just for college students but also for “post-college mission seekers.”

“We’re already getting inquiries from mission agencies,” Christy says. “And we believe we’re going to be able to do a better job connecting agencies with potential missionaries at the next Urbana.”

This summer there’s also a focus on the Urbana Stewardship campaign, which is aimed at helping more students attend Urbana 06 by offering scholarships to them. You can have an important role in the next Urbana by making a tax-deductible donation online.

InterVarsity has been presenting the Urbana Student Mission Convention for more than a half century. But now, in a new century and at a new location, Urbana is entering a new era. To keep up with Urbana, stay connected at urbana.org.

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