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A Mentoring Moment
During the school year, Bruce Cooke, InterVarsity staff member at the University of Delaware (UD), mentored Brandon, a junior at UD. This relationship included not only studying Scripture and praying together, but doing ministry on campus.
One of Brandon’s assignments for the year was to learn how to share his faith with a friend. He and Bruce prayed for people that Brandon hoped would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. One night Brandon invited Bruce and his friend John to dinner in the student cafeteria.
Sarah, another friend of Brandon’s joined them. As Bruce was talking with John about his spiritual journey, Sarah asked Brandon about his faith in Jesus. Brandon answered her questions by sharing the gospel with her.
That night Bruce and Brandon sat talking until the cafeteria closed, sharing the gospel with two friends. Brandon was learning by experience.
Since that evening, they have studied the Bible together, and John has attended several InterVarsity meetings. God is able to do more than we ask or think.