Christ Centered Community

InterVarsity’s vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. Joel, a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin—Madison, shares his experience in the campus chapter and how God has been transforming his life. “I came into InterVarsity as a relatively new Christian, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I planned to simply meet more Christians, but I got much more.

“InterVarsity became, to me, the ideal Christ-centered community that the Bible describes. Through this community— the speakers, members, friendships, retreats — I have learned how to live as a follower of Christ in an ungodly world. My faith has been bolstered tremendously this past year, and much of this has to do with the affect that InterVarsity has had on my life.”

Joel felt God calling him to integrate his faith and studies more and has changed his major from Materials Science and Engineering to Religious Studies. “Have you ever considered being a pastor?” several of Joel’s friends and family asked over the span of a month. “No, not really,” he would reply. After seeking God’s direction, Joel realized that God may have a higher calling for him outside of engineering.

“I still like math, science, and engineering, but I just couldn’t honestly see myself making a passionate career out of them. Instead, I decided to pursue something that I am passionate about. While the exact details of my future are uncertain, I am content knowing that I’ve devoted my life to learning about God and what he means to us,” Joel said.

Joel led an InterVarsity small group on campus first semester and hopes to continue next fall. Joel and some other leaders of the chapter are planning to move back onto campus in the fall, into a high rise dormitory, in order to have more opportunities to witness to the younger students who live there.

InterVarsity staff and students welcome all people into Christ-centered, campus communities, encouraging them to discover God’s gifts and calling in their lives.




You can make a direct financial donation to support InterVarsity’s work at the University of Wisconsin – Madison by following this link.
