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Continuing the Ministry
Amanda, Derek, Dan, Anna, and Ben, recent graduates of the University of Oregon-Eugene, have helped InterVarsity students grow in Christian commitment through Bible study. Derek and Amanda became Christians through InterVarsity’s ministry, and they want others to hear the gospel message of Christ. As students they have led Bible studies, reached out to their campus and community, and after their graduation hope to share Christ’s love with other people they come in contact with.
Anna, Dan, and Amanda have helped students explore and study God’s Word by leading GIGs (Groups Investigating God, Bible studies for non-Christians).
In addition to reaching non-Christians through Bible studies, these students are reaching out to their campus community. Amanda frequently finds herself sharing the gospel with someone on campus. She serves the Eugene community by volunteering in various soup kitchens and retirement centers. Derek also has a heart for serving in the community. He has many stories of sharing food, rides, and the gospel with residents of Eugene. Ben serves the student community as the worship leader for InterVarsity’s Large Group meetings. He has done this for the past three years.
When they graduate, these students plan to continue their ministry and live out the gospel message in service to others. Dan plans to move to Los Angeles, California, and join a team his parents are involved with to establish a new church. Derek will build on the education and training he has received through his Religious Studies program and InterVarsity by continuing his studies in a Christian Graduate School.
Ben will continue to serve with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He will join the staff team at the University of Oregon as an intern. Ben will continue his ministry of music, as he leads the students in worship during their Large Group meetings. Ben also hopes to lead a Bible study for students in the dorms next year.
Through their experiences with InterVarsity, these graduates of the University of Oregon-Eugene have gained valuable leadership skills. They are committed to using their skills to further God’s Kingdom.