Create and Give

Lauren, a senior at Virginia Commonwealth University and the community team leader for the InterVarsity chapter there, developed a unique project to help students understand God’s heart for the city of Richmond and everyone in it—making and distributing scarves for the homeless.

About 20-30 students gathered one evening to make scarves. Some students knit, others crocheted, and others cut scarves out of fleece material. By the end of the day the group had thirty scarves ready to give to those who might need something to protect themselves from the cold of winter.

The following weekend three teams went out and distributed them to the homeless on the streets and in the shelters of Richmond. One team gave four scarves to one man for him and his family. The InterVarsity students who participated, whether they made a scarf or handed one out, found the project very rewarding. Lauren commented, “We really felt God giving us a heart for this city and everyone in it and this project helped us get out there and start making a difference.”

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