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Deeper Connections
Monday nights at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY, freshmen students gather to study God’s Word and issues relevant to beginning their college career. Nine freshmen have continued to participate throughout the year. They often discuss life transitions, community responsibility, and their relationships with God.
Jessica, one of the students involved, said of her experience: “It has always been a comfort knowing that I am not alone in my faith and that there are people going through the same experiences that I am. It is a comfort to know that they also want to solve problems and rejoice in the Lord through worship and prayer. Other freshmen in the group would ask ‘How is it going?’ and make sure I was ok if I missed a session. They were genuinely sorry when I wasn’t there. By spending time with people who have a strong connection to God, you also deepen your connection.”
The freshmen at Skidmore College have nearly doubled the size of the InterVarsity chapter there. In addition to being active members of the Bible study, two freshmen will be members of InterVarsity’s Student Leadership Team next semester.
Across the country, InterVarsity wants to help students deepen their connection with God as they form friendships with one another.