Christina Grajewski

Equipped to Lead

Who would have thought that what I learned at Texas Tech through InterVarsity would have such impact on my life today? Things like my firm belief in who God is, His sovereignty, and our need to trust Him with everything started at Texas Tech.

Throughout my time there, I was challenged and stretched beyond my comfort zone. The InterVarsity staff took a vested interest in me as an eighteen year old freshman. Robin Bolash (the staff worker at the time) met with me every week for an entire year. I had many leadership positions with InterVarsity and had the amazing opportunity to attend Urbana. It was there that I felt the Lord calling me to inner city ministry.

After graduating from Tech, God called me to the East Coast. It was a hard adjustment leaving Texas and moving to Boston. It was here that I finally understood why God placed me in InterVarsity. I had received invaluable training on starting a Bible study, guiding others to Christ, leading fellow Christians, fostering community, and thriving in the midst of adversity.

My current job is Director of Development at Boston Urban Youth Foundation. Because this is a grassroots Christian based organization, my job title does not fully encompass all I do. Until this job, I never truly understood what dependence on the Lord meant.

The staff and I have seen tremendous obstacles this year. Our founder left the organization making me the new leader. The recession left us struggling financially. And on Memorial Day weekend one of our young people was tragically murdered, an event that left us bewildered and broken.

Through all this adversity, I never questioned God’s plan for me or the organization. We have seen blessing in all this – at least three of our young people became Christians!

My job is chaotic; however, it is the very definition of how ministry should be. I am on my knees daily, praying to God for strength and wisdom. Often I feel ill-equipped to lead an organization but because of the teaching and love I received in InterVarsity I know that God does not call the strong. He calls the weak.


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