Teresa Buschur



The T-shirt campaign was called “I Agree with Matt.” Two hundred InterVarsity students at Winona State University-Winona, MN proudly wore orange T-shirts proclaiming, “I agree with Matt,” blanketing the campus with the message. In the crowd, one student wore a T-shirt reading, “I am Matt.”


This campaign led up to an evening presentation when Matt, an active member of InterVarsity, stood in front of his friends and told the story of his father’s death a year earlier and how God had become his spiritual father. After Matt’s testimony, Katy, a student who had been invited to the presentation by some InterVarsity friends, had questions for him. Matt said, “We talked for about 15 minutes, and she ended by praying the most heartfelt, beautiful prayer I had ever heard. Then she asked Christ into her heart then and there!” Katy now participates in an InterVarsity small group Bible study.



A student named Andy told Matt, “I want to take hold of what I know Christ is offering me.” Matt prayed with Andy as he accepted Jesus. Jessica, who had attended InterVarsity’s fall conference, also accepted Jesus into her heart that night.



Toward the end of the campaign, Rick Mattson, InterVarsity’s Regional Director, spoke to a crowd of 250 InterVarsity students and friends about eternal life. He described Heaven and Hell, using the non-smoking and smoking sections in a restaurant to illustrate for students that they have a choice where they spend eternity. Rick challenged the audience, “If you died tonight, where would you go? Yes, the question is blunt; but as Christians, if we truly care about our friends and families, then we care where they will spend eternity.”



At least three students on the Winona State campus decided they wanted to spend eternity in heaven and accepted Christ into their hearts during the T-shirt campaign. Many others were challenged to think seriously about where they wanted to spend eternity.



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