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Family Night
While InterVarsity’s focus is ministry to college students, our campus staff take opportunities to include students’ families in the campus InterVarsity community.
The Student Leadership Team at the College of DuPage, a two-year commuter school in Illinois, planned a fun evening for InterVarsity students and their families. Several students invited their parents and international students invited their host families to join them for a Thursday night Large Group meeting. Students hoped their parents would gain a first-hand experience of the campus ministry and their children’s part in it. Families watched a video about InterVarsity’s vision and mission, looked at photos of the year’s activities, judged a dessert contest, and some performed a skit about family dynamics.
The evening concluded with both students and their families participating in a version of the NewlyWed Game. The students left the room while their parents stayed inside to answer questions to see how well they knew their children. Parents were asked questions like: What’s your child’s favorite music? favorite subject? and favorite clothing? Family members also answered questions about their children’s goals for the future. When the students re-entered the room, they answered the questions for themselves. Prizes were awarded to the pair with the most corresponding answers.
InterVarsity wants parents to know what values their children are learning through our ministry on campus.