Formación 2005

The biannual IFES Leadership i>Formación conference was held this month in Giżycko, in northeastern Poland. A total of 150 student leaders from campuses in 37 countries across Europe and Eurasia, from a great variety of ethnic backgrounds and cultures, gathered at a scenic retreat center for Bible study, seminars, workshops and outdoor activities. Formación is a Spanish word that refers to the need to grow as a whole person at every level: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.

Speakers include Andrew Fellows of L’Abri Fellowship, IFES/Bulgaria General Secretary Charlie Hadijev, and Bob Grahmann, a former director of InterVarsity’s Bible and Life training program, now Director of the IFES Eurasia Institute for Staff Development and Training.

“[Students came] from the warm coast of Spain to the cold of Siberia, and all of the Balkan countries, plus some countries of Central Asia and the Middle East,” said Bob Grahmann. “It was really awesome! Most of the students made commitments to walk more closely with Jesus, witness Jesus’ love to their fellow students, and engage their universities and cultures with the Gospel.”

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is one of 150 members of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, an international network of indigenous, student-led Christian ministries. Just as developing student leaders is a key to InterVarsity’s success, student leadership development is an IFES priority.

InterVarsity students who participate in Global Mission Projects frequently interact with local IFES movements. World news events that USA Christians consider distant and foreign can have a direct impact on IFES member organizations. For instance, the recent death of Vice President John Garang of Sudan in a helicopter crash, may sidetrack a recently signed peace agreement in that war-torn country. Christian students in Sudan and surrounding countries have been praying for peace in the area for many years and rejoiced at the agreements that had been signed recently and Garang’s invitation to become part of the government.

“It is a long time since I felt such sadness for the death of a world leader,” wrote IFES Associate Regional Secretary Calisto Odede. “Let us pray that the programs which he had initiated and the opening up of the Sudan will not stall at all.” He said Garang was an influential Christian leader and “a holding force that brought together the various factions in the South.”

In-depth training for Christian student leaders has important and immediate benefits for InterVarsity and IFES but also long term benefits for the spiritual lives of students, their churches and their communities.

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