Generations of Faithful Witness—All Saints Day & Urbana 18

For Immediate Release

The Christian holiday All Saints’ Day, November 1, commemorates God’s faithful witnesses and saints of past generations. This year, Urbana 18—InterVarsity’s 25th Student Missions Conference—will seek to catalyze today’s students to carry on this legacy of faithfulness. Urbana will invite them to join God’s global mission and more deeply consider what it means to be a Faithful Witness, the conference’s theme.

“For Urbana 18, we have chosen to challenge this generation of college students with the story of faithful witness in the New Testament book of Revelation,” said Úna Lucey-Lee, Urbana Program Director. “We are eager for God to use this biblical vision to compel Urbana 18 participants into deeper trust, wholehearted discipleship, and enthusiastic involvement in global missions.”

During daily inductive Bible studies and general sessions featuring Urbana 18 expositor René Breuel and a number of other global voices, students, faculty, pastors, and other Urbana participants will be challenged through the book of Revelation to live as faithful witnesses in several tangible ways:

  • committing to say yes to Jesus for the first time (for those who have not done so already)
  • serving short-term or long-term in cross-cultural missions
  • testifying about Jesus in daily life wherever he calls them

The rest of the conference will focus on helping participants receive and engage Revelation’s hopeful, challenging message and also gain a better sense of God’s global presence as they discern how they are being called to a life of faithful witness. Of the many unique opportunities Urbana 18 provides, some include:

  • 200 seminars—presented by distinguished thought leaders, experts in the corporate world, and veteran missionaries—to provide students with practical guidance about joining God’s global mission through their vocations
  • an exhibit hall with over 200 missions agencies and seminaries looking to support participants in determining their next steps in their journeys of obedience
  • rich, multiethnic worship with thousands, praising the King of kings and celebrating the diversity of his people from every nation, tribe, and tongue
  • #Hack4Missions, a hackathon that invites 150 software developers, graphic designers, program managers, and other technologists to support missions organizations in their real-world challenges and opportunities to further Christ’s kingdom work across the world

“We are praying that God will give this generation fresh eyes to see the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain, in all his power and glory,” Úna said.

For more information on Urbana 18, taking place December 27–31 in St. Louis, Missouri, go to and register by November 15 for the early bird cost of registration, saving you $100.

Media Contact:
Gordon Govier

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