Teresa Buschur

Gilmore Girlfriends

Lauren was introduced to Heather Haight, InterVarsity staff in Northern California, by her friend Stephanie. Stephanie was active in the InterVarsity chapter at California State University-Sacramento and met with Heather to discuss the Gospels. Lauren and Stephanie grew up in the same town and decided they would spend time together on Tuesday nights watching Gilmore Girls. “Somehow, I was allowed to join them, though I was older and not from their hometown,” Heather said.

It’s amazing how quickly connections are built simply by watching a weekly television show together. A few weeks passed and Lauren, Stephanie, and Heather dubbed themselves the “Gilmore Girlfriends.” It’s also incredible how much time commercial breaks leave for having other conversations. By the end of the semester, Stephanie and Heather were trying to figure out how to present more opportunities for Lauren to investigate Jesus.

In February 2004, the “Gilmore Girlfriends” attended an overnight conference based on the movie Bruce Almighty, which was specifically held for students who are curious about their spiritual life. The girls had a great evening talking and when they got back to campus continued meeting for their weekly television night.

During the first week of fall semester 2004, Heather invited Lauren to InterVarsity’s weekly Large Group meeting, which was specifically designed for students new to campus and non-Christians. “I’m not sure if I can make it, but I want to be more involved in InterVarsity this school year,” Lauren responded.

During InterVarsity’s Fall Conference, Lauren was in Heather’s Bible study group. They studied John 4, where Jesus asks a Samaritan woman for water and He tells her that He is the living water. “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst,” (NIV). Lauren had never looked at the life of Jesus on her own. She had many questions and was very open with her ideas and observations throughout the weekend.

Lauren and Heather took a walk. Heather asked, “Lauren, what has changed in your spiritual pursuit from last year to this year?” Lauren had spoken with her parents over the summer about her interest in Jesus and spiritual matters. Her parents had not raised her and her sisters with a religious faith. Lauren now felt the freedom to investigate Jesus.

Throughout the school year, Lauren has been investigating Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity as she attends a weekly Bible study and InterVarsity meetings. “I love the community of InterVarsity and the depth, vulnerability, honesty, and love I receive and am able to reciprocate,” Lauren said.

At the end of fall semester 2004, after a Bible study on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, Lauren asked to meet with Heather to sort through her remaining questions. “My biggest curiosity remains in knowing more about who Jesus is and what it’s like to follow him,” Lauren said.

In February 2005, Lauren attended InterVarsity’s Disciples on Campus weekend conference to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus. On Friday, the first evening of the conference, Lauren told Heather, “If my journey with Jesus was a race, I’m two-thirds to the finish line.” Heather prayed with Lauren that God would reveal more of Himself to her throughout the weekend.

As Lauren heard the Gospel presented, participated in worship, and listened as students shared how God is working in their lives, she realized that she needed God in her life. Several chapter members prayed with Lauren as she invited Christ into her life. Lauren returned to California State University-Sacramento excited to share her newfound faith in Christ with non-Christians on campus.

Across the country, students are searching for truth. InterVarsity wants to help students discover their home, family, and life in Jesus Christ.

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