God Pursues a Freshman

Jerome grew up in a suburb of Chicago. He did well in school and was involved in youth activities at his church. When he went away to the University of Illinois-Champaign last fall his parents were concerned that he would neglect his spiritual life at the large secular state school. But God cared about Jerome and his spiritual growth and faithfully called him into a fellowship of believers.

Soon after he arrived on campus, Jerome attended an InterVarsity meeting. There he met Scott Beatty, InterVarsity staff member on campus. As they talked, Scott learned that Jerome was a quiet student, majoring in computer science, who did not readily become a member of a community.

Over the next week or so, Jerome was busy with his classes and did not attend any other InterVarsity meetings, but Scott ran into Jerome a couple of times on campus, unusual at a school of 36,000 students spread over nearly 125 city blocks. Scott prayed that Jerome would see the need to become involved with a Christian community on campus. Then one day Scott called Jerome and invited him to coffee.

“InterVarsity is sponsoring a retreat for new students in two weeks. Would you be interested in joining us?”

“I’ll think about it, but I don’t know,” Jerome replied.

Two weeks went by and Jerome had not made a commitment to go to the retreat. Scott considered calling Jerome, but decided not to be pushy. Around noon, a half an hour before leaving town for the conference center, Scott went to a local sandwich shop, and who should be in line in front of him—Jerome.

“I promise I don’t follow you around campus,” Scott joked, “but maybe God wants you to go on this retreat.”

“Oh, I think he might,” replied Jerome. “But I didn’t sign up. I have a class discussion this afternoon and you guys are leaving soon, right?”

“But there is a group leaving later in the evening,” Scott told him.

“Could you get me a ride in that car?” Jerome asked.

Jerome made it to the retreat. There he found a community that is committed to the personal study of Scriptures, the sharing of the gospel, and accountability in small groups. Since the retreat, Jerome has become involved in a small group and regularly attends InterVarsity’s large group meetings, even inviting a friend from his dorm.

Attending a large state university can be a daunting experience in one’s spiritual life, but God answers the prayers of concerned parents, preparing a community in which students can grow in their faith.