Teresa Buschur

Great Vision


Seeing God’s work on the Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne campus, Lauren was excited about attending Urbana 03, InterVarsity’s 20th Student Mission Convention, during Christmas Break to find out how she could participate in God’s global mission. Through outreach events designed to encourage non-Christian students to join the Christian community, Lauren shared the Gospel of Christ with many students on campus. Lauren was excited to see Brian, one of these students, attending Bible study and InterVarsity’s social events throughout the semester. Lauren was thrilled to see him accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Lauren watched other chapter members’ disciple Brian, and she felt gratified as she saw him become involved with InterVarsity at Purdue. He attended small group Bible studies, weekly large group meetings, Urbana 03, Summit (the winter training conference for Purdue InterVarsity students), and he currently serves the chapter as Publicity Coordinator.


As Lauren saw how God had used her to expand His Kingdom at Purdue, she was excited to attend Urbana 03 to see what God would call her to next. Lauren’s experience during Urbana was different than she had hoped. “I expected to go home knowing exactly what part of the world God was going to call me to, what job I was to do, and what great vision God had for the rest of my life. At Urbana, I learned what it was like to have a complete and total surrender to God. I came back with more of a desire to just lay everything in God’s hands, not holding anything back, and not giving him any expectations of what I want my life to be like,” Lauren said.



During Urbana, Lauren talked with other participants from her chapter about finding more students to tell about Jesus Christ. During one of their conversations, Kristen called Lauren’s cell phone, and said, “I’d like to get together and do some discipleship training. Could you help me?” Since that phone call, Lauren and Kristen have begun a GIG (Groups Investigating God, Bible studies for non-Christians) on campus. They meet regularly to discuss the Gospel.



Lauren’s surrender to God’s will for her life has led to increasing opportunities for ministry back on campus. Since beginning her first GIG, Lauren has been asked by several other women in the Fellowship at Indiana University-Purdue University if she would be willing to study the Bible with them.



During Urbana 03, Lauren did learn the great vision God had for her life. God showed her that you don’t have to go overseas to share the Gospel of Christ; you can start where you are, on your campus and in your community.



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