InterVarsity Alumni - Ed and Karen Moy

Ed and Karen Moy, friends of InterVarsity, have a passion to see Christians live out their faith in the work place. These two have found a ministry sharing this vision of life with InterVarsity students.

While she was in high school, Karen realized that she had a talent for organization, finances and leadership. She knew that her entrepreneurial spirit would move her into the marketplace. She went to the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, majoring in business. She also used her time in college to develop her spiritual discipline. Through the UW-Whitewater InterVarsity chapter, she learned the importance of personal prayer and Bible study, and the value of the support of fellow Christians.

After graduation, Karen moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to pursue her calling into the world in the insurance industry. There she was introduced to Ed, a second generation Asian immigrant, through mutual friends at church. Ed had become a Christian while a student at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The two shared a desire to use their talents in business and a passion to declare God where they were. After they were married they began speaking to InterVarsity chapters on dating and cross-cultural relationships.

In 1990 they moved to Washington D.C., where they worked in a number of government jobs, including positions at Health and Human Services, Capital Hill, and the White House. Eventually, Karen started her own consulting firm. Ed is currently the Director of the U.S. Mint. They have recently adopted a daughter from China, so Karen has cut her business down to part time.

Over the years, Ed and Karen have served InterVarsity in various capacities. They have entertained students and staff for dinner, continued speaking at chapter meetings, chaired national committees, and Karen has even served on the Board of Trustees. Through InterVarsity’s Ministry in Daily Life and the alumni ministry, they have developed a number of workshops that challenge students’ thinking about how they will live their lives after graduation.

Through these seminars, Karen and Ed share their passion for working in the marketplace as a calling from God. Work is not just a means of earning income that can be used to support the real work of God; work is a worthy activity ordained by God from the beginning. God gave Adam stewardship of the Garden of Eden.

Karen sees her faith as not just an element in her business life; it is “the yeast in the batter, leavening everything that I do.” Ed agrees. “We need to take our faith into every aspect of our jobs.” He suggested several ways that Christians live out our faith at work:

  • Give our best to the work, as it says in Colossians 3:32, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
  • Speak the truth in our business dealings.
  • Look for situations where we can act as a peace maker.
  • Be humble. Find other Christians and look for where God is already at work. Don’t be a lone ranger Christian.

Karen adds that we need to keep our personal relationship with Jesus alive and well through Bible study and prayer. She encourages people to develop both their corporate and personal spiritual lives. “Bathe your personal and professional life in prayer so that you do not advance in your own strength,” she says.

In the midst of their busy lives, they are active members of a local church. Ed and Karen also have a group of fellow believers who will hold them accountable to obey God’s Word. Ed and Karen not only teach these principles, through their lives in business and government, but they also live them, being bold for the Lord in the full-time ministry of life that he has given them.