Ralph Indorf

InterVarsity Alumni Serving Overseas

At Norwich University, in Northfield, Vermont, the oldest private military college in the United States, over thirty students, out of a total student population of 1,700, had their education disrupted this year when their reserve units were called to active duty. Ralph Indorf, the InterVarsity staff member at Norwich, relates the stories of several students who have completed their education, received their commission, and are serving their country in the military.

“I am mindful of many of Norwich’s alumni from our fellowship who are either in Iraq, the Gulf, or training for deployment. There is Steve and Ryan (04), Tring and Tori (01), Chris (04), and Mark (00) just to name a few. Gratefully, I am in contact with most of these men and women as they wrestle with the issues of isolation in their faith, overwork, lack of spiritual community, and the daily temptations faced living as they live in a stressful environment. Mostly I just listen. I don’t know how to answer questions like, ‘Will I be able to kill when the situation arises?’

“For many of us, the war is distant, but for commissioned officers, it is imminent and unavoidable. My influence on them is now limited. Distance and lack of experience often means that I can only listen and pray. But I know something about these officers that gives me confidence and hope. I have seen the life of Jesus manifest in them. The King of Kings directs, supports, encourages, and empowers them to the measure of the task.

“This relationship makes a difference as these people live the life of a military officer. Mark and his wife just had a baby and he looks to God for comfort and strength as he anticipates deployment to Iraq in January. Steve trains in Florida with a special operations navy force. Tori listens to women onboard ship. Ryan steps in as a lay spiritual leader on board ship in the absence of a chaplain.

“I am keenly aware that four years in college uniquely affects the character and direction of a person for the next forty years. Therefore, it is always with the future in mind that we teach and disciple God’s children.”

Ralph Indorf is pictured with Tori Stitt, Ryan Mount, Steven Johnson and Tommy Holmes at Ryan and Steven’s commissioning ceremony last May.

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