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InterVarsity Mourns with Umpqua Community

InterVarsity grieves the death of the students at Umpqua Community College, even though we do not have a witnessing community on that campus. College students often live as if they are immortal and invincible. Campus shootings tragically remind us that they are not.
College campuses should be places where students flourish. Sadly, all too often, they have become places which lead to death – spiritually or physically. This shooting reminds us that the college campus is a spiritual battleground with very real victims. It is a dangerous mission field, but it is one desperately in need of the Gospel.
InterVarsity staff and students join so many others in praying for the families of the victims, for the witnesses of the shooting, as well as for the shooter’s family. We also pray for the Christian students, faculty and administrators on campus. May the Holy Spirit use them to comfort those who grieve, give hope to those who despair, and invite to faith those who seek. We are grateful God has placed them as his hands and arms at this time.