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InterVarsity Remembers Bill Bright
A co-laborer in the Kingdom has died. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, went home to glory on July 19th, after suffering from complications of pulmonary fibrosis for several years.
He made an indelible mark on Evangelicalism for over 50 years. His zeal was contagious and his legacy will continue, to the glory of God. He first took the Gospel to UCLA in 1951. The ministry grew rapidly from there to include not only campus evangelism but also various specialty ministries, including the Jesus Film, around the world.
Bill Bright and the presidents of InterVarsity, the Navigators, Youth for Christ, Young Life, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes attended Urbana 90. The students appreciated this expression of commitment to world missions and to the unity of believers. The presidents and spouses of these ministries continue to meet twice a year to pray for each other, a legacy of Bill Bright and his peers.
Alec HIll, President of InterVarsity, will attend the memorial services on July 30 in Orlando, Florida. The current President of Campus Crusade, Steve Douglas, is Alec’s friend. Alec will offer Steve InterVarsity’s condolences to our brothers and sisters in Campus Crusade.
For more about Bill Bright and the details of the memorial service, see http://billbright.ccci.org, then click on the “media” button.