Leaders in Action

Throughout the fall semester, InterVarsity’s student leaders at Bakersfield College in CA had invited their friends to weekly meetings and activities. Laura shared the Gospel in her classes and invited Jamie to attend an InterVarsity weekend conference held on Catalina Island, off the coast of California. Although Jamie was raised in the church, he thought he would feel out of place at a Christian conference. He knew the Gospel but didn’t realize he needed a personal relationship with Jesus. Laura prayed weekly with a group of InterVarsity members that Jamie would come to Catalina Island.

Jamie did attend. He heard the Gospel presented and listened to several students share their stories of coming to faith and how God works in their lives and His people around the world. Jamie wanted God in his life. On the boat ride home, Jamie told Laura, “My experience at Catalina is a little piece of heaven.” He asked what it means to be a Christian and how he could invite Jesus into his heart. Explaining that a personal relationship with Christ is a close friendship, Laura prayed with him as he accepted Jesus into his life.

Carla rode home from the conference with Laura. “This weekend gave me a lot to think about,” Carla replied when Laura asked if she enjoyed the weekend. Carla was not a Christian. Laura asked Carla if she wanted to become a Christian. Driving back to campus, Laura prayed with Carla as she invited Christ into her life.

Cheryl grew up going to church with her family but had fallen away from a relationship with God when she started college. She was invited to the conference by some friends in InterVarsity. Although she had a great time in worship, Bible study, and fellowship with students from the campus chapter, she felt that since she had neglected her relationship with God she couldn’t have one anymore. After returning to campus, Cheryl talked with Joe Litto, the InterVarsity staff member on her campus. “There’s nothing you have done that God will not forgive you for,” Joe told her. “Don’t you want to come back home?” he asked. They prayed together as Cheryl recommitted to God.

Catie was invited to the conference by her friend Joy. Catie had closed God off after her father’s death; but Joy, an active member of InterVarsity, had been praying for Catie and never failed to invite her to Bible studies and weekend activities. Catie didn’t want to go because she was afraid she wouldn’t belong. She did not feel she had good friendships and relationships in her life. As the weeks passed, Catie attended InterVarsity’s weekly meetings and activities, where she found a caring Christian community.

One Friday night, during a worship celebration at Station 3:16, a Christian coffeehouse in town, Joe and Anna, InterVarsity’s chapter president, gave Catie a Bible with her name on it. Anna asked Catie if she wanted to receive Jesus, and they prayed together as Catie recommitted to a relationship with God.

Across the country, InterVarsity is training students to share the Gospel on campus.

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