New Appointment for Barney Ford

News Release
For Immediate Release

(Madison, WI) – InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is announcing the appointment of Barney Ford as Vice President and Director of Advancement, effective September 1, 2007. The announcement comes at the end of a year-long search. InterVarsity president Alec Hill said “Barney brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to this role. I have the utmost confidence in his abilities to lead the Advancement department in ways that will honor God and our mission.”

In his new role as Director for Advancement, Barney will direct InterVarsity’s Communications and Development divisions. For the past three years Barney has been Vice President and Director for Strategic Ministries, overseeing Greek Ministry (fraternities and sororities), International Student Ministry, Evangelism, Nurses Christian Fellowship, and Staff Development and Training.

Barney Ford has been one of InterVarsity’s key national leaders for more than a decade. Other positions that he has held during the last ten years include Director of Campus Ministry, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Director of Urbana 2000 (InterVarsity’s triennial student missions convention), and Dean of Leadership Development. During his almost four decades of service with InterVarsity Barney has also held a number of field positions, ranging from Campus Staff Member to State Director.

In addition to his work within InterVarsity, Barney’s experience includes the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program and Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management. Barney has also chaired the boards of several other Christian ministries: International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Chapel of the Air Ministries and the Christian Partnership Council. Barney is married to Arlene. They have three daughters and reside in Madison, Wisconsin.

For more information:
Gordon Govier
Media Coordinator

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