Nurses to Uganda

“Flexibility, hospitality, trust and prayerfulness are all words describing our experience in Uganda this summer,” reported Renee Lick, NCF staff. The team for the NCF Global Project departed for Uganda just a few days after the bombings in Kampala on July 11. “Throughout our journey, God reminded us that he is present in Uganda and is working mightily among his people there to bring hope, healing and restoration,” said Renee.


After the trip, one nursing student said, “God has given me a bigger vision for the opportunities to serve him.” During the project, the American students partnered with Ugandan students such as Esther, a recent graduate. “I learned to be a nurse of integrity, letting compassion be first,” Esther said. Another American student said that the trip gave her a bigger view of the world.



Working with Local Partners



One day the NCF team joined the staff of FOCUS Uganda (InterVarsity’s sister organization) at Mulago Hospital to pray for patients, including victims of the recent bombings. “I prayed with a university student injured at the bombing of the rugby stadium,” said Renee. “We thanked God for sparing his life and prayed for healing, asking God to lead and guide all areas of his life. His family was at his bedside, caring for many of his physical needs. Cards were taped on the wall behind his bed and he asked us to sign his ‘guest book’ of hospital visitors. He plans on returning to his university this fall to complete a degree in international business.”



Several NCF students joined a Ugandan friend as he presented the gospel to patients with an opportunity to respond. Three patients made commitments to follow Jesus that day! Our students were overjoyed to be present when these patients joined God’s family. Seeing their new found faith gave the NCF students courage to share their faith with patients back home.



Lessons Learned



“God has shown me the strength found in gentleness and the power of hospitality,” said Carolyn, a nursing student at Emory University. “He has taught me that the most evident faith comes not from complex thoughts about theology, but from a heart that is in complete surrender and adoration to the Lord. Faith shows itself most clearly not in eloquent words, but in joyful obedience, in perseverance, and in deep and faithful love. . . . I have learned that any nursing care I give is not complete without Christ.”



NCF mission specialist Connie Jarlsberg is staying in Uganda until Sept 6 to help with a medical mission at Kampala Baptist Church on August 30 – September 3. She writes, “Please pray for me as I partner with our Ugandan medical team and several American nurses to care for the people here.”



This story came from NCF’s Nurses Blog. To learn more about Nurses Christian Fellowship you can visit their weblog and also their website.


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