Teresa Buschur

Praying Students into the Kingdom


Student leaders within the InterVarsity chapter at the University of Illinois-Chicago committed themselves to evangelism on their campus by beginning InterVarsity’s 2+ program. The leaders pray consistently for two non-Christian friends to accept Christ and for boldness in sharing the gospel with them. Each student participating in the program is asked to fill out a prayer card and commit to praying regularly with another InterVarsity student, who is also praying for two non-Christian friends.


The leaders’ enthusiasm for sharing Christ’s love with non-Christians within their campus community has spread throughout the InterVarsity chapter. Students involved in small group Bible studies pray together for their friends to come to know Jesus Christ.



Within the Asian American Fellowship at the University of Illinois-Chicago, there are 20 non-Christian students regularly attending InterVarsity meetings and events. At least 12 of these seekers are participating because they have been consistently prayed for and invited to the chapter’s activities by a current InterVarsity student. Three of these non-Christian students are involved in GIGs (Groups Investigating God, Bible studies for non-Christians), considering the claims of the Bible and what Jesus could mean in their lives. Five of the 20 non-Christian students attend InterVarsity’s weekly large group meeting, and the remaining 12 non-Christian students regularly attend a small group Bible study.



Leaders and students involved with InterVarsity on campus are seeing the effect of prayer. Students are encouraged as they see their friends getting involved with InterVarsity to ask the entire campus to consider what the gospel of Christ means in their lives.



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