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Quaerens on Campus
Students on college campuses have many views of Jesus and Christianity. The spiritual exploration exhibit Quaerens (pronounced “kwy rens”), a Latin term meaning “inquiry,” is a multi-media display that helps Christians share the broad scope of God’s purposes for the world with their non-Christian friends. The presentation highlights stories about Jesus that non-Christians may find intriguing. The Quaerens experience expands a student’s understanding of the Gospel in the tradition of InterVarsity’s previous traveling multi-media shows, Twentyonehundred and Habakkuk, from 2100 productions but in a more contemporary interactive format.
Sections of the exhibit give students an interactive experience as they explore the Creation, the Fall, and God’s redemptive work through Christ. Contemporary images paired with Scripture passages show how Christianity is relevant to students’ lives. Students see that Jesus is relevant, not just on their campus and in their community, but to the world. “Quaerens shows the problems, issues, and disasters that society deals with. People’s faith in Jesus brings them through these situations. Quaerens takes the way people look at Jesus and makes them look at the big picture. There’s so much more than the community you’re living in,” said David Lien, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, after experiencing Quaerens.
Students can journey through the exhibit at their own pace, while engaging the narrative on multiple levels. Participants are given the opportunity to add comments and create pictures as they explore the graphic panels and media display screens. Students will be able to respond to what Jesus said in the Gospels. They will have the opportunity to reflect on responses people have had to Jesus throughout the ages while also being challenged by Jesus’ words.
One of the focuses of Quaerens is that God has created us all and each student may have something to contribute to another person’s spiritual growth. Quaerens allows students to encourage each other in their Christian walk. It also helps them get to know Jesus in ways they didn’t expect.
Quaerens has traveled to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Central College in Iowa and Washington University in St. Louis, MO so far in 2005. Quaerens is now accepting invitations for a campus tour in the fall. For more information contact Nate Clarke, 2100’s managing producer.