Remembering Dallas Willard

InterVarsity is saddened by the death of Dallas Willard, renowned author and teacher, after a short battle with cancer. Willard was an InterVarsity alumnus who participated in the Fellowship during his time teaching philosophy and working on his PhD at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

“Dallas Willard was the embodiment of a sage mentor and great friend of our Fellowship,” said InterVarsity President Alec Hill. “His desire to follow Jesus with his whole life has been an inspiration to our students, faculty, and staff.”

A Missionary on Campus

In 2009 we wrote a story about the impact InterVarsity had on Willard's life. At that time, he described finding an organization on campus committed to seriously seeking God as a “tremendous relief.”

“To have a group of people, including some faculty members, working out the practice of devotion in a setting where there are so many ways that one can go, is a wonderful thing,” Willard said.

After completing work on his PhD, Dallas became a professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California (USC), a position he held for 48 years. Along the way he wrote a number of books, including The Divine Conspiracy (HarperCollins), selected as Christianity Today’s Book of the Year for 1999.

InterVarsity is honored to have published Willard’s book Hearing God (IVP Books/Formatio), and honored that our staff and students had the opportunity to sit under his teaching at numerous InterVarsity events, including the 2008 Midwest Faculty Conference and Following Christ 2002 (click to listen to his closing address).

Dallas referred to himself as a missionary on campus, and focused on being a Christian example through top-quality teaching and writing. “The things that I do, the things that I say have an impact on my students and on my colleagues,” he said. “So I feel that there is definitely a greater need for the Christian presence in academics.”

The Christian community lost a true intellectual and spiritual leader in the passing of Dallas Willard. We are thankful for his model of thoughtful biblical and cultural engagement and for the example he set for Christians worldwide.

Also of Interest

Read InterVarsity Press’s news release about the passing of Dallas Willard. 

Read as InterVarsity Press’s Andy Le Peau reflects on the life of Dallas Willard.

Read as one InterVarsity Graduate and Faculty Ministry staff reflects on Dallas Willard’s influence on ministry at USC.

Read the full InterVarsity Alumni Profile on Dallas Willard from 2009.

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